Online Learning Tools that we Have Loved for Quarantine Schooling

We are pretty low-tech in our homeschool.  But when quarantine schooling met a string of bad weather, there were suddenly a lot more hours in every day.  At least it seemed that way!  Here are some websites and apps we have been using and enjoying.

Reading Eggs

Reading Eggs is a great app for phonics and math.  There are two levels of phonics learning – one for 5-7 year olds and one for ages 7-13.  While I don’t think you can rely on this website/app as your sole phonics program it’s a great supplement.  And my kids love it!

We’ve also found 3 channels we love on YouTube!

Science Max

“Have you ever done a science experiment and wondered what it would be like if you did it big?  Science Max has!  Both kids love these videos that show amazing science experiments and they have learned a lot from watching.

Hoffman Academy

Mr. Hoffman offers free piano lessons to kids of all ages.  Both of my kids were complete beginners.  My in-laws have a piano and they have both talked about wanting to learn to play.  So it was the perfect time to try out free online lessons!  They were highly motivated to start and Mr. Hoffman’s lessons are really, really well done.  Each lesson builds on the last and the challenge/ difficulty level seems great.  Just enough challenge without being too frustrating.  Ethan, age 7, was able to complete Unit 1 all on his own.  Now that we are in Unit 2, he likes me to be near him when he watches his lesson and practices so it requires a bit more time and attention from me.  I’m not a piano teacher, or really musically inclined at all, but I can still help him at this point.

Cosmic Kids Yoga

I’m pretty sure you’ve probably heard of this one.  We love the Yoga and Mindfulness videos from Jamie!  I can’t believe this is a free resource.  Great way to get your kids moving when they have to be indoors.  There is so much content on her channel and lots of videos are based on favorite kids movies and characters.

Is there any new technology you have tried during your lockdown?