What We are Reading Wednesday: Scholastic Acorn Books

I was so happy to find chapter books for early readers, something that could come after simple readers and before books like Magic Treehouse.

Enter, Scholastic’s Acorn Books, specifically designed for readers ages 4-7.  Scholastic lists their special features as,

  • easy to read texts
  • color illustrations
  • color coded speech bubbles

I really love that each book is part of a series so your child can become familiar with the set-up, characters and patterns of the book which helps build confidence in your young, budding reader.

Ethan has really enjoyed these series below (affiliate links) but there are many more in the Scholastic library:

A Crabby Book


Hello Hedgehog

Scholastic says, “grow confident readers with Acorn!” and it’s so true!

Has your child enjoyed any Scholastic Acorn books?

June Paperwork for the NYCDOE


Quite a lot of paperwork is due in June for current NYC homeschool students.  First up is the…

Quarterly Report #4

This is the final of the quarterly reports.  Quarterly reports document the hours you have logged in your homeschool.  In NYC homeschoolers in elementary school must clock 225 hours.  You must also document the materials you have covered this quarter in each subject area.  This can be as simple as stating you covered “25% of the material listed in the child’s IHIP.” Or you can list what you covered in each area.  I always opt for the latter.  I do not love filling out NYCDOE paperwork so I also make sure to think of it as record keeping and accountability for myself as well.  I like to have a log of what we have completed each quarter.

All paperwork is to be filed electronically now because of coronavirus.  You can email your report to:  homeschool@schools.nyc.gov

Per the NYCDOE website, you can submit a picture of a handwritten document or a file in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF.

You can use this link to download a Quarterly Report Form:


Or, you can create your own form.  You do not have to use the NYCDOE form, but I always choose to go with their format.

Next Up is the…

Annual Assessment

For students in Grades 1-3 – you can simply write your own Annual Assessment and email a picture of your handwritten document or a copy in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF to homeschool@schools.nyc.gov.

Your Annual Assessment can be as simple as a letter with your child’s name, birthdate, NYCID, grade level and sentence stating that the child has met or surpassed all of the goals set forth in his/her IHIP for the current school year, 20XX-20XX. And then simply sign the letter.

For students in Grades 4 -8  – The Annual Assessment can be a standardized test administered by you every other year alternating with a written narrative.  This year,  because of coronavirus, no standardized testing is required and you can instead submit a written narrative (even if you submitted one last year).

And don’t forget about your Letter of Intent for next year due July 1!

Please always go straight to the source for up-to-date homeschool information provided by the NYCDOE at https://www.schools.nyc.gov/enrollment/enrollment-help/home-schooling.  This post is just meant to summarize their requirements as well as offer my own personal experience.

How has your experience been submitting paperwork?  Before I started, I was nervous but find now that it’s not so bad!


Online Learning Tools that we Have Loved for Quarantine Schooling

We are pretty low-tech in our homeschool.  But when quarantine schooling met a string of bad weather, there were suddenly a lot more hours in every day.  At least it seemed that way!  Here are some websites and apps we have been using and enjoying.

Reading Eggs

Reading Eggs is a great app for phonics and math.  There are two levels of phonics learning – one for 5-7 year olds and one for ages 7-13.  While I don’t think you can rely on this website/app as your sole phonics program it’s a great supplement.  And my kids love it!

We’ve also found 3 channels we love on YouTube!

Science Max

“Have you ever done a science experiment and wondered what it would be like if you did it big?  Science Max has!  Both kids love these videos that show amazing science experiments and they have learned a lot from watching.

Hoffman Academy

Mr. Hoffman offers free piano lessons to kids of all ages.  Both of my kids were complete beginners.  My in-laws have a piano and they have both talked about wanting to learn to play.  So it was the perfect time to try out free online lessons!  They were highly motivated to start and Mr. Hoffman’s lessons are really, really well done.  Each lesson builds on the last and the challenge/ difficulty level seems great.  Just enough challenge without being too frustrating.  Ethan, age 7, was able to complete Unit 1 all on his own.  Now that we are in Unit 2, he likes me to be near him when he watches his lesson and practices so it requires a bit more time and attention from me.  I’m not a piano teacher, or really musically inclined at all, but I can still help him at this point.

Cosmic Kids Yoga

I’m pretty sure you’ve probably heard of this one.  We love the Yoga and Mindfulness videos from Jamie!  I can’t believe this is a free resource.  Great way to get your kids moving when they have to be indoors.  There is so much content on her channel and lots of videos are based on favorite kids movies and characters.

Is there any new technology you have tried during your lockdown?



What We are Reading Wednesday: Homeschool Workbooks

Earlier in the week I mentioned we have been using more workbooks during quarantine schooling then we usually use.  Below is what we have been using and some affiliate links to the check out some of the workbooks on Amazon.

Gratitude Journals

The kids and I all have a simple notebook where we write down one thing we are grateful for each day.  We have been doing this all year and it was easy and important to continue.  I love this for creating a grateful attitude, positive mindset, handwriting and invented spelling practice!

We also were using these before the lockdown began.  But with so much time on our hands my son was able to complete them quickly!  I love Kumon books for extra practice on key skills and will use these in the future with my daughter as well.

Master Books

I used this book as a compliment to our Montessori Math Materials this year.  During the lockdown, this was the only math material we used.  I think it’s a great curriculum.  It moves slowly but not too slowly, has just the right amount of practice and teaches developmentally appropriate skills.

Disclaimer:  these books have religious content.  We are a secular family/ homeschool so I simply omit any parts of the story that I need to.  The math content is great which is why I like using this book.  I plan to use the Level 1 book for my daughter next year.

Handwritng Without Tears

This was also our handwriting curriculum pre-lockdown.  But with lots of extra time, both kids progressed through their levels quickly!  I used this program as an NYCDOE teacher and like using it in our homeschool as well. It is cheaper to purchase this curriculum directly from the company.



Ethan loved completing this sticker timeline of scientific inventions!

All Subjects

Both of my kids love Star Wars and they love these Star Wars workbooks!  This is our 2nd year having these for various kinds of extra practice.


Fun Type Workbooks!

In March and April when the weather was cold, gray and wet, these books were great to have on hand.


From Homeschooling to Quarantine Schooling

As a follow-up to my recent post about more families choosing to homeschool this upcoming fall I was thinking about what a change that would be for so many.  I was wondering what I could write that could be helpful.  First, I thought I would share what a change coronavirus brought upon our homeschool.  Because even for us homeschoolers, quarantine schooling is very, very different.  

Here is an honest look into our “homeschool” during Coronavirus Lockdown in NY.  Please keep in mind that we are at the epicenter of the outbreak and things might not have felt as severe or life-changing where you live.

On one hand, I did feel uniquely positioned to make a change from homeschooling to quarantine schooling.  I certainly felt at an advantage over parents whose children were now home suddenly from “real” school.  Many people have said, “this must be so easy for you!”  The truth is it’s not.  It’s disruptive and different, just in a another way.

We live in NYC and life as we know it was shut down on March 16.  I had actually become a little nervous earlier than that so my kids had already been kept home from some activities since two weeks earlier.

But the lockdown meant an official end to our Wild + Free meetups, field trips and book clubs.  An end to my daughter’s dance class and weekly Friday playdates.  An end to my son’s robot class and boat building class.  No more swim lessons or forest school.  As you can see, homeschoolers are actually not “home” all that much.

Beyond outside activities, what it also ended initially was my bandwidth for creativity and magic in our homeschool.  The stress of our new normal, watching the infections rise and death toll climb.  The very personal and sad loss of a beloved family member.  The initial need to be watching the news constantly (the adults, not with the kids).  The fear of going to the grocery store.  The worry of food shortages.  The stress was very real.

In search of family support, more space and better stocked grocery stores, we decided to head out to my in-laws on March 13.  They had invited us to stay with them.  My husband thought it would be for the weekend.  I thought it would be for two weeks.  We are on Day 93. 

In terms of homeschooling, I knew it would be helpful to set up a rhythm for our days while we were here.  Children love predictability and take comfort in knowing what to expect.  I decided we would have “homeschool time” every day from 9ish-12ish.  This would not only give us plenty of time to get our work done, but also give the other adults in the house a few hours of uninterrupted peace.  Then the kids could have plenty of free time in the afternoons.

Now, what do we do with all that school time?  I only brought a few books and a bunch of workbooks with us (I did not bring most of our Montessori learning materials because they are big and take up a lot of space). So, we write in our gratitude journals, work in our handwriting and math workbooks, do our phonics lessons, read books aloud (everyone takes a turn), create things with cardboard, crayons and tape, listen to music and work on projects from our Story of the World curriculum.  We love this curriculum – great stories to read aloud and an activity book that you can photocopy with pictures to color, maps to label, word searches and more.  The kids are also taking free online piano lessons during this time.  They also love using an online phonics program called Reading Eggs.  Often, the kids will take breaks and play with the toys in my in-laws basement (many are their dad’s old toys!).

As you can see we kept things very simple.  In the beginning, this helped me feel like we were still accomplishing things even though my focus was elsewhere – mainly stressing out about coronavirus. But, on a positive note, without any outside activities – we have had a LOT of dedicated academic time.  Much more than usual.  By keeping things simple and with so much time, the kids have been flying through our curriculum!

As this lockdown continues, my mindset is changing.  Previously, I was in the mindset of, put your nose to the grindstone and just get by.  Lately, we’ve been more apt to work on creative projects.  A friend of my father-in-law has also started giving the kids Tae-Kwon-Do lessons via Zoom!  And we’ve been able to get out of the house and spend time outdoors at state parks and beaches.  While we are out of the city, we are really trying to take advantage of our close proximity to gorgeous nature!

With their free time in the afternoon, during the colder months we focused on indoor art projects.  They tried oil pastels and enjoyed old favorites like air dry clay, watercolor paints, water beads and sticker mosaics.  We’ve learned how to make bread from scratch and strangely really, really like doing that.  The kids are spending TONS of time outside now.  But for March and April, the weather was really crummy.  So we enjoyed TONS of Disney+.

The craziest part of all of this is that after all of this change, my kids are fine.  They have each other.  They have always been best friends and they play together ALL DAY LONG.  Of course they miss their friends, classes and home.  But they have been such troopers and quickly adjusted to their new normal.  

I think being with loving family members is the main reason for their resilience. My kid’s grandparents love spending time with them and enjoy playing with them.  They are truly wonderful.  Quarantining as a larger family unit has been a very special experience.  It certainly would have been very different (i.e., sad and lonely) if we had just been the 4 of us in our small apartment.  With more hands there is more attention, more patience and more love!  

 We are SO fortunate to have such a wonderful relationship with my husband’s parents.  I’m sure this could not be the situation for everyone.  We are extremely, extremely grateful.  My mom even drove to visit us from NJ twice.  And let me tell you, 5 adults:2 children is the perfect ratio!

I think that while our quarantine schooling did keep us on track with our academic goals, more important lessons happened from spending so much time with family.  I’m so happy my kids could have so much time with their grandparents.  How cool is it that my kids had the example of their grandpa reading the newspaper – the real newspaper, not internet news – every single morning?  For me, personally, I’m so grateful to have learned so much from my mother-in-law about how to take care of your home and family like a boss!

I hope we can all look back on this time together as a gift.  The gift of time together that no one was ever expecting.

Quarantine Schooling is very different than Homeschooling.  So if you are planning to homeschool this fall, consider that it might look different than it could if there were no corona.  I am wondering what will be open?  What will I be comfortable with?  How busy do we really want to be with outside activities?

We will be heading back to Brooklyn soon so things will change again for us.  Good thing children are so adaptable!  And I guess so is our homeschool.                                   

What We are Reading Wednesday: Audible Favorites for 5-7 Year Olds

Sometimes I have to be reminded that Audiobooks count too!  My kids love listening to audiobooks at lunch and whenever we are in the car.  Here are some of our favorites!

The Magic Treehouse


My kids will listen to the entire collection in one sitting!  They love to climb into their tent together to cuddle up and enjoy the books together.  I think these Magic Treehouse collections on Audible offer a great value because for just one credit, you can get 8 books.  We have all of the collections and the Merlin Missions series too.


Mercy Watson

The Bears on Hemlock Mountain

Tumtum and Nutmeg (there is some very light suspense in this one so if you have a very sensitive kid, you might want to listen together)

Brave Irene

Do you have any Audible favorites in this age range?  Please share in the comments.

Considering Homeschool this Upcoming Fall?


I have read many articles recently about the possibility of many more families planning to homeschool next year due to coronavirus.  I considered linking some of those articles here but honestly, there are too many to link.  Google, “planning to homeschool in the fall because of coronavirus” and you will see what I mean. 

Some families are worried schools will not open in the fall and are unhappy with the prospect of continuing online school.  Some continue to worry about their child contracting COVID should there be a resurgence of germs this fall/ winter.  Others have taken a hard look at the education their children were receiving at school since they are now watching the lessons online with their children at home.  Some have enjoyed having more time together as a family and want to try something new.

Do you fall into one of these categories?  Are you one of these families in NYC?  Do you have any questions about how to homeschool?  I’m happy to answer any questions in the comments or you can contact me via email.  Here is an old post detailing how to tell the NYCDOE you plan to homeschool.  The first step is a short and simple email.        

I look forward to hearing from you and hope to be helpful!